The capital also received a military guardia di sicurezza, six battalions on foot and an escadron property and the intelligentsia formed the elements drawn to their service: the wealthy privateers, merchants and tradesmen, professors, civil servants of all grades a special medal of merit with the motto: 'Onore e fedeltà' was created to stimulate their zeal. A year earlier Joachim had already begun to give the civil militia a better establishment, this was now continued most assiduously. All kinds of armaments were brought to completion with restless haste, throughout the kingdom the press of sailors was ordered to man the vessels the royal guards, all troops were ordered to be ready to march his aides-de-camp were constantly on the move in this or that direction. Moreover, the facts were in stark contradiction with his words.
In spite of these assurances, everyone now knew very well what to expect from his side.